Q |
How big are the apartments? |
A |
The word cozy comes to mind when you think of an apartment in Seoul and slightly more spacious and cozy in Busan. Most apartments are studios with their own bathrooms and kitchenette areas. There are some 1 and 2 bedroom apartments but usually only couples choose those as they are able to split the rent. Apartments are measured in pyong (1 pyong = 3.3m2) and most studios range from 7 to 9 pyong. |
Q |
What is key money? Do I have to pay that? |
A |
Key money is a large deposit (typically around $5,000~$10,000 for a studio) that is given to the landlord when you move into a place in Korea.
This key money is refunded to the depositor at the end of the lease.
Some teachers use Pagoda's key money, making Pagoda the depositor of the "key money".
We’ll fill you in with all the details when you join us! |
Q |
How much is rent? |
A |
That can vary depending on location, size and the condition of the building and apartment. In Seoul it ranges from W450,000 to W750,000 (U$450 to U$750) for a studio.
Q |
How do I pay rent? |
A |
Rent is conveniently deducted from your monthly salary. Each month you have a pay slip which explains all income and deductions, including rent so everyone is paid on time and you have a complete record each month. |
Q |
How much is the housing allowance? |
A |
Pagoda SLE provides key money, and teachers cover their own rent. Pagoda One provides key money and a housing allowance.
That amount is from W100,000 - W250,000 depending on whether you use Pagoda's key money or provide your own key money. |
Q |
Do I have to pay building maintenance fees? |
A |
That depends on the type of building. Villas, which are 3 to 5 story apartment buildings have fees ranging from 0 to W50,000, which may already be included in the rent. Officetels, which are generally newer mixed-use buildings have maintenance fees ranging calculated approximately at W5,000 to W9,000/pyong. |
Q |
Is the housing shared? |
A |
No, most of our teachers really enjoy living in their own place. Some teachers live with roommates, but this is quite rare. |
Q |
Can I live with another teacher? |
A |
If you happen to know someone here or happen to get along well with new teachers arriving at your branch at the same time then certainly that is possible. |
Q |
Are pets allowed? |
A |
Some teachers have brought their favorite furry friend with them, and although that will limit your housing selection, there are places that allow pets. |
Q |
Is there internet in the apartment? |
A |
Yes, Korea is one of the most wired nations in the world, so broadband is everywhere. As soon as you get your Alien Registration Card you will be able to have your manager assist you in getting internet and cable. |
Q |
Does Pagoda provide housing? |
A |
Pagoda will offer housing assistance. We can help you locate a house and provide key money through our trusted realtor.
However, in most cases teachers who are familiar with the area tend to find their own housing so they can live in the areas that appeal to them the most.
Both options are available.
Q |
How is housing selected? |
A |
Within the first couple days of arrival the housing manager will show you up to 5 houses. The teacher can choose a house that is approved by Pagoda. The choices are similar, the teacher's deciding factor is usually based on cost and location.
If the teacher selects housing that is not approved by Pagoda, the teacher is welcome to use their own key money.